Big old list of the obvious:
If you’re under the age where you can’t form a contract you can’t use this website, though since you can’t form a contract we can’t enforce it on our end if you lie, so this is a really stupid rule that we have to follow regardless.
You’re not new to the internet so you know that all websites are as-is and you can’t hold them liable for any damages. This one is no different.
If there is a genuine financial error on our end we’ll try to make it right via your original purchase method, but otherwise there are no refunds.
R3call is a Michigan company, you’ll have to sue us here, but if it’s gotten to that point we’re likely no longer friends :(.
We use cookies to log you in and do other normal website things. You’re not a child so you understand this already. We use some 3rd party stuff that might use their own cookies or gather other information on you. Check their policies at the links below.
All non-user content is Copyright no earlier than 2021 by R3call. User content is the responsibility of the poster, check with them what their copyright policy is. Obviously they grant R3call the right to use it since they posted it on our website and they’re not idiots, but alas some people are and thus this disclaimer.
We will try to moderate any truly hateful or harmful speech by our users, but you’re expected to be a big boy or girl and just move on if you’re offended. We’re also not omniscient and may not get everything, so if it’s truly awful let us know and if we agree it’s the worst of humanity we’ll take it down. If your content was taken down, you’re such an awful person nobody will care enough to listen to your appeal, so make it easy on everyone and ban yourself from R3call. is the only place where this stuff will be posted, check back often if you actually care.
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